鑽石領袖Curry教練的經營日記丨 網路行銷丨美商LiveGood

今天跟夥伴們分享一篇來自我們美國team Diamond團隊,我們的直屬上線鑽石領袖Curry教練,他FB的經營日記,歡迎夥伴複製參考。



因為他們率先行動,所以實際上已經有人每月賺取數百元的被動收入... 最誇張的是,在我之上的那個人竟然提早退出想像一下失去了超過7,000人的被動收入... 那些比我早加入的人,對願景沒有概念,他們在組織開始起飛之前就退出了... 甚至有些人認為時機已經太晚了...

我們的團隊簡直就是鑽石養成的基地 我們只有7500個人 我的上線有超過4萬人
還沒升級的朋友 你是否想要在今年美商LiveGood 增長到100萬人之前 搶佔一席之地... 朋友 為什麼你要錯失良機... 已經有很多準會員預先註冊,跨出了第一步卻錯過了第二步... 有誰想要搶在他們之前升級?"


"My top 2 teams are on my 6th and 7th levels and below... There are people literally already earning hundreds per month in spillover because they got started first... What's crazy is THE PERSON I WAS PLACED UNDER QUIT!!! Imagine losing out on over 7,000 people as spillover... People who joined me early with no concept of vision quit before it started taking off... Some think it's too late... My team is literally the baby Diamond position I have only 7500 people My upline has over 40000 Do you want a spot knowing the team is going to grow to nearly 100,000 this year alone... Why are you missing this... I have so many just pre-enrolling and missing the 2nd step... Who wants to get in ahead of all of them?"
放棄Curry的那個人 實際上等於放棄了7500人x$9.95x2.5%=$1865美元/月 也就是那個人為了節省一個月9.95美元 而失去了至少每個月$1865美元的被動收入 重點是 這筆收入 還在繼續快速增長中..QQ

