在美國開始有許多公司,大家都想模仿LiveGood 但卻完全沒搞懂!!

以下是來自我們的團隊大家長,皇冠鑽石領袖Tim Miller教練的FB文章,分享了許多想山寨LiveGood的公司卻都搞錯重點,將重點放在不推薦賺一畝田的矩陣獎金,事實上,推薦倍增萬畝田的代際對等獎金,才是真正的核心!!


第一種慢慢做 就是 "等待"溢出

就是等別人的努力 “溢出” 來填滿自己旗下的點位/洞,因為是系統強制安置,所以早晚都會填到自己的洞,前提是要耐心等待別人的努力。

第二種快快做 就是 "參與"溢出


每個人都至少推薦兩位 大家一起划船,甚至推薦到第三位溢出自己的努力幫助到下線組織。重點是複製快速上青銅,人人都一把釣竿,人人努力一點點 、推薦一點點、付出一點點,團隊就能人人有溢出,成長更加速!!


所以想要盡快達到月入1萬美元被動收入的夥伴們,我們不要再等了!! 這個事業招募會員真的不難,好時機稍縱即逝,讓我們一起衝刺!!相約鑽石俱樂部見!!




這些想要模仿的 "山寨版 ",並不是真正的LiveGood。 我不明白為什麼人們都想成為 "LiveGood",卻完全誤解了它。 讓 LG 成為全球最炙手可熱的機會的不是矩陣,不是早期卡位,不是神奇產品,不是經營權,也不是文化。 LG的商業模式、使命與 "代際對等 "才是最重要的。 所有這些想重頭來過的老牌公司,看著都覺得好笑。 如果你認為你能快速填充矩陣😎,並通過幾層對等賺錢,那麼我祝你好運。 傳統直銷一旦耗盡快速啟動的報名資格,每個人都在等待溢出,遊戲就要結束了傳統直銷就會趕著去參加下一個大型新直銷發表會,而群眾將退出。

Livegood 的神奇之處在於,一旦成為聯營商,就永遠是聯營商。 人們可以做任何他們想做的事,而不用擔心被解僱或獎金被奪走。 只要會籍保持活躍,每個人都會留在矩陣中。 沒有人退出 LIVEGOOD! 他們可能因每月壓縮失去矩陣位置,但 Unilevel 結構是終身的。

這是關鍵。填滿矩陣需要時間,需要幾年的時間才能填滿,以賺取可觀的收入。下面是我在一年內,推薦了超過250人,團隊成員超過90萬人的矩陣。親自用你的眼睛看 👀。如果只靠一個矩陣,我每月的收入將不到1500美元!




不要再聽信這些傳統直銷人員的話了,自己算算吧。 這是你的生意,無論你做什麼工作,都不要失去你的會員資格,因為一旦系統壓縮,你就無法在矩陣中找回那個位置。 😎

不要在我的信息裡說這些廢話,因為我做LiveGood不是為了收入。 我是為了揭露真相。 LiveGood是來幫助人而不是傷害人的。 就像廣告裡說的,"我們會為你留燈!"









These knock off wanna be copy cat launches are NOT Livegood. I don't get why people all want to be LiveGood but totally miss it. It's NOT the matrix, not getting in early, not the products, not the ownership, and not the culture that makes LG the hottest opportunity on the planet. It's the model, the mission, and the Generation Matching that crushes it. All these wanna be relaunches of old tired companies is almost funny to watch. If you think you are going to fill a matrix fast 😎 and make money on a few LEVELS of matching then I wish you good luck. Once the marketers run out of fast starts on sign-ups and everyone waits on spill over the gig will be up, the marketers will be off to the next big launch, and the masses will quit. 

The amazing thing about livegood is once an affiliate always an affiliate. People can work anything they want without fear of termination or having their checks snatched.  As long as the membership stays active everyone stays in the matrix. No one can quit LIVEGOOD! They can lose their matrix position with monthly compression but the Unilevel structure is for life.

Here is the ticket. Filling a matrix takes time and years to fill to make any substantial income. Below is my matrix after a year, sponsoring over 250 people, and having a team over 900k members. See it with your own 👀.  If this was a matrix I would be earning less than 1500.00 a month!

The money in LiveGood is NOT the matrix as that's the smallest component of the plan. The money is in the generation matching. NOT a few LEVEL matches but GENERATIONS of matching.  This prevents breakage and pays matching deeper in the organization and not just a few levels. Nothing comes close.

Stop listening to these online marketers and run your numbers. It's your business and regardless what you work do not lose your membership because once the system compresses its compressed and you can not get that position in the matrix back. 😎 

Stay out my messages with this nonsense because I don't do LiveGood for the income. I'm doing it to keep exposing the truth. LiveGood is here to help people and not hurt people. Just like the commercial says, "We will leave the lights on for you!"


No LG leaders are joining your deal. I know I am not. Too many peoples lives to change. 

Everyone wanna be LiveGood but totally don't get it!


文章引用 LiveGood 台灣 Star 大團隊



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