我們團隊的美國上線Curry Russell教練分享了他最近的組織成長。
大家猜一猜他新增另外的兩千多位訂閱會員要花多久時間? 答案是1個月!!
真的很誇張!! 這是我在傳統直銷事業中不曾見過的成長速度!!
沒錯!! Curry的組織已經開始出現滾雪球效應!!LiveGood的組織真的更容易實現倍增,只要用對的方法,做對的事。短短1個月時間組織自己增長2314人!!
"This month, 106 days in the team has almost doubled...
I'm sharing this to all of you because this can happen to all of you...
Share as fast as you can! We only have one thing to share, that tour video...
Don't allow any other thing to distract you... we don't sell products, we sell a membership with access to prices never before seen to products.
If you can share faster and teach those who join you to share faster watch what happens to your team as it did with so many of you"
免費註冊 索取導覽丨歡迎詢問您LiveGoodSTAR推薦人丨全球最火熱的 #在家工作 #被動收入 商機!!