全球第一位皇冠鑽石領袖成功祕訣分享!! LiveGood的最大收益不是矩陣獎金!!丨鑽石收入截圖丨真人真事





完全透明! 你們都知道提姆老弟的為人作風,我的朋友、粉絲甚至是討厭我的人隨時都能了解實情。


事實是 我曾是這家公司的紅寶石會員,每月購買 4 瓶幹細胞產品以保持資格。 我衣櫃裡的瓶子就是證明。 每個月花160美元簡直荒謬。

當初我加入LG時,那家公司的老闆發訊息給我,抨擊LG、抨擊創辦人、抨擊產品、抨擊一切的一切,勸我不要加入 LG。 他告訴我這永遠行不通!

現在,同一家公司將整個公司改頭換面,試圖成為山寨版的LiveGood,但卻完全搞錯方向。 所以我在這裡提出謙卑的警告⚠️

不要追逐那些最新的矩陣計劃!! 我永遠不會參加任何的矩陣金錢遊戲。 它只會養懶人,人人都在等待溢出獲利,最終人人都落入低於👇薪資水準。

這是上個月我的支票,完全透明。 我在我的組織中建立了一支超過80萬會員的團隊,公司的會也超過了 87 萬。 你可能會相信炒作,以為我有一個巨大的矩陣...對吧?

錯、錯、錯。 在我的矩陣中大約只有 4000 人(見下文)。 如果這是一個 2x15 矩陣,我每個月可以賺 1400 美元! ! 對於參與、投入並保持專注的人來說,這還算不錯!



我是一位看懂對等獎金的組織建立者。 我得到的報酬是無限代的,沒有任何阻隔! ! 這不是一個無法緊縮的愚蠢對等! 明白了嗎?

看看我每個月都在成長的對等獎金! 看看每月針對鑽石及更高級別的獎金池。

不要被炒作所迷惑。 當一家公司告訴你他們的原料成本更高時,不要上當。 其實是..

如果一家公司從產品上支付佣金,那麼佣金就必然包含在售價內。 與成本無關。 我的朋友!

直到你們腸子都悔青之前,可以一直叫我詆毀者。 但請記住,早在你們消耗了時間、消耗了名單、消耗了名聲、消耗了品牌、消耗了友誼..去追逐不合邏輯的事物之前,Timbo已經警告過大家了。





Full transparency! Y'all know how Timbo rolls and my friends, followers, and even haters will always be informed.

Just watched a video of a company launching a LiveGood wanna be but totally missing it.

Fact! I was a Ruby in this company earning bonuses ( I build) and was buying 4 bottles of that Stem Cell Product a month to stay qualified. I have the bottles in my closet to prove it. $160.00 a month was rediculous.

When I joined LG the owner decided to message me and bashed LG, the ownership, the products, and everything else to discourage me from participating in LG. I was told it would never work!

Now the same company has revamped the entire company to be a LiveGood look alike but totally miss it so here is my humble warning ⚠️.

Do not go chasing the latest matrix! I would never join a matrix pay plan period. They breed laziness, people wait on spill over, and all the players will fall below 👇 the pay Levels. 

Here is my check from last month to be fully transparent. I have built a team over 800k members in my organization and the company is over 870k members. You would believe the hype thinking I have a huge matrix.. right?

Wrong, wrong, wrong. I only have about 4,000 people in my MATRIX (see below). If this was a 2x15 matrix I would be earning 1400.0/ a month! Not bad for getting in, plugging in anf staying focused!

I am a builder and understand Generational Matching. I get paid unlimited generations deep with no blocking!!! Not just a silly match on my personals! Get it?

Look at my Generation Matching that grows month over month! Look at the bonus pools monthly to Diamonds and above. 

Don't be fooled on HYPE. Don't be fooled when a company tells you they are paying more for their ingredients. Here is the test ....

If the company is paying out levels of pay on products the commissions are the mark up. Nothing to do with costs. It's all mark up to pay commissions my friends! 

Call me a basher until y'all are blue in the face but remember Timbo warned you before you go waisting your time, lists, name, brand, and friendships chasing nonsense.

It is amazing these people, companies, and owners go on calls and zooms out pitching BS but stay silent on my posts. 

Tim Miller

文章引用 LiveGood 台灣 Star 大團隊



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