美國老師一整個學期的薪資 vs LiveGood一個月的收入丨真人真事丨美商LiveGood








教師薪資 vs. LiveGood 薪資。

我們才剛剛起步;只有7個月的歷史,每天有數千人加入。🚀🌎 本月我們將推出膠原蛋白、能量/專注貼片、睡眠貼片等產品。請留意👀 綁緊你的鞋帶!

這個簡單的會員俱樂部正在改變許多家庭的生活。 免費參觀
- 收入免責聲明:
與任何企業一樣,你的成果可能有所不同,而且會根據你的個人能力、業務經驗、專業知識和渴望程度而定。 關於你可能經歷的成功程度沒有保證。 所用的證詞和例子都是特殊的結果,不適用於一般購買者,亦無意代表或保證任何人能達到相同或相似的結果。 每個人的成功取決於他的背景、奉獻精神、渴望和動力。
Teacher Pay vs. LiveGOOD Pay.  
We are just getting started; only 7 months old & thousands joining daily. 🚀🌎 Rolling out COLLAGEN, Energy / Focus Patches, Sleep Patches, and more this month. Look out 👀  Hang onto your bootstraps!  
Loads of families being changed by this simple membership club.  
Take the FREE TOUR below
- Income Disclaimer:
As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.
取代了學校老師的收入! 想知道如何辦到的? 今天了解更多。
謝天謝地,我在 7 個月前開始了創業! 否則這將是一個沒有老師薪水破產的夏天。我知道在公立學校當老師有多忙。現在正是為自己增添一份收入的時候了。 保持你的正職,但今天就開始你的副業吧!
SCHOOL Teachers are replacing their incomes!  How?  Learn more today.
Thank goodness I built my business 7 months ago!  This would have been a BROKE NO TEACHER PAY summer.   I know how busy it is being a teacher in the public schools.  Now is the time to add to what you are doing.  Keep your day job, but get your SIDE GIG TODAY!

文章引用 LiveGood 台灣 Star 大團隊



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