百萬會員只是開始 讓我們攜手2024再創LiveGood輝煌之旅的新篇章!!


以下來自我們LiveGood美國會員Elia Martin新年祝願的instagram貼文。


大家星期五快樂!🌟 隨著歲末年終的臨近隨著LiveGood即將達成百萬會員里程碑,請記住,保持每月$9.95的會員資格永久存在! LiveGood專列正在全速前奔 - 新的人加入,有些人從旁觀望,還有些人或許選擇在下一站下車。無論你要留在何處,只要確保不會後悔自己的決定!

如果你已經加入、投入並留下(Get joined, Paid, Stayed),你已經見證了 LiveGood 不可思議的影響力。 繫好安全帶,因為 2024 年,我們的會員人數將再翻一番,甚至翻兩番。 堅持下去,坐穩,這段LiveGood的旅程將帶領我們去到非凡的境界 - 這一切我們將會在未來的每一天見證它發生

祝大家週末愉快,新年伊始,萬事如意。 讓我們擁抱新的目標、新的成就、新的開始,讓我們的銀行帳戶持續增長! 同心協力! 讓我們行動起來! 🚀



Happy Friday everyone!🌟 As we approach the end of the month and year, and with LiveGood approaching 1 Million members, remember, this $9.95/month membership is here to stay! The LiveGood train is moving full speed ahead - new people will join, others will observe from the sidelines, and some may choose to hop off at the next stop. No matter where you stand, just make sure you don’t regret your decision!

If you’ve joined, engaged, and stayed (GPS), you have witnessed the incredible impact of LiveGood. Get ready because in 2024, our membership is going to double and even quadruple. Stick around, and this LiveGood journey will take us to extraordinary places - we see it happen every day!

Wishing everyone an amazing weekend and a thrilling start to the new year. Let’s embrace new goals, achievements, fresh beginnings, and grow our bank accounts! One Love! Let’s do this!🚀


文章引用 LiveGood 台灣 Star 大團隊



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